Should you need immediate support, the following services are available 24/7:

  • This Hepatitis Australia website provides hepatitis information
  • Healthdirect provides health advice from a registered nurse: 1800 022 222 or
  • Lifeline provides crisis support and suicide prevention: 13 11 14
  • National Coronavirus Helpline provides information about COVID-19 and vaccines: 1800 020 080

The National Hepatitis Infoline (1800 437 222) provides confidential support and is run by our members, the State and Territory Hepatitis Organisations. It is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm in your local time. 

Within Australia

If you are living in Australia and have questions or concerns regarding viral hepatitis, please phone the National Hepatitis Infoline on 1800 437 222, which will direct your call to the hepatitis organisation in the Australian state or territory you are calling from.

From outside Australia
If you are outside of Australia and seeking support, please contact the relevant hepatitis organisation in your country or, if there is no local hepatitis organisation, the World Hepatitis Alliance may be able to assist you with your inquiry: [email protected] 

Medical enquiries
If you are seeking medical advice we recommend you speak directly with your doctor. Hepatitis Australia regrets we do not provide medical advice and we are unable to assist with internet purchases of hepatitis medications.

PO Box 120
Deakin West, ACT, 2600

+61 2 6232 4257 during business hours.

Please note our staff are working a hybrid model and may not always be in the office to answer the phone. 

You can also get in touch with us by using the form below.

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